Bloomsbury History: Theory and Method - Help

What content is available in Bloomsbury History: Theory and Method?

Bloomsbury History: Theory and Method is the first dedicated digital resource devoted to all aspects of history theory, method and historiography, allowing students and lecturers to effectively study and teach in this core area.

Content ranges from exclusive articles, academic eBooks, and a four-volume major reference work.

Please see below for more details on how the resource will be updated.

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Is the content included in Bloomsbury History: Theory and Method available online anywhere else?

The articles on the platform are written exclusively for Bloomsbury History: Theory and Method. A limited number of eBooks in the resource are available on other Bloomsbury digital products, including Bloomsbury Collections. All eBooks and images in the resource are fully-indexed exclusively for the resource and can be cross-searched with other related content.

Does the resource cover history across countries?

The resource explores themes and topics in history, historiography, theory and methods across the globe.

What time period is covered?

The entire span of history from antiquity to the present days is covered in this resource.

Will the resource be updated?

Yes, new and revised content will be added to Bloomsbury History: Theory and Method twice a year. Updates will include new articles, eBooks, curated lesson plans as well as pedagogical resources. Bloomsbury History: Theory and Method is available both on a subscription basis (in which case yearly updates are included as part of the subscription) or on a perpetual access basis (in which case each year’s update can be purchased separately by your institution).

Who is the resource for?

Bloomsbury History: Theory and Method is an invaluable resource for students, scholars and researchers studying history, historiography and the examination of historical theory and methods using a global approach.